Discover more about Empira Group, a leading investment company specializing in Private Real Estate, Private Debt, and Private Infrastructure solutions to add/amend information
As a high-tech company, TRUMPF provides manufacturing solutions in the fields of machine tools, laser technology, electronics, and Industry 4.0. to add/amend information
Muttergesellschaft der Müller-BBM Gruppe, einem Verbund von Ingenieurgesellschaften und Firmen für technische Spezial- und Softwareprodukte to add/amend information
Die RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG betreibt Krankenhäuser und Kliniken an fünf Standorten. Wir bieten exzellente Medizin mit direkter Anbindung an Hochschulen und Forschung. to add/amend information
Explore a curated list of verified and trustworthy B2B companies specializing in real estate management. Each profile provides insights into services offered, customer reviews, and key purchase signals, ensuring you connect with reliable partners tailored to your business needs. Make informed decisions with confidence in our comprehensive search results.
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