Get the data and buyer insights you need to reach your ideal customers
at the right time. Cost per account varies based on the number and
type of data selected. Select the data you need; the price will be
automatically updated. You can adjust your search any time. When you
purchase data, your wallet will be automatically charged. If the
remaining credit covers all costs, will be automatically charged with
the cost. If your wallet is empty, please recharge it.
The minimum purchase amount is $150Note: credit score information is available only for companies with 50+ employees.
What data are you purchasing?
Company firmographic details:
Full address, website, industry type
Credit score information:
Credit risk evaluation and debt repayment prediction. Note that credit score information is available only for companies with 50+ employees.
Purchase Signals on selected solutions (optional):
Millions of signals that track accounts’ behavior relevant to specific products and services showing what they are interested in, and where they are in the buying journey. This information is available only on selected solutions and it is optional.
How to pay

You can streamline payments and enjoy exclusive discounts with a choice of pre-paid or fully flexible digital wallets. Using the wallet is convenient. The more you add, the more your company saves.
When you purchase data using a wallet, the wallet will be automatically charged with the cost. If your wallet is empty or does not cover the full cost, you can recharge it first.
If digital wallets are not for you, you can also pay by credit card.