novartis pharmaceuticals corporation

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Legal Name
novartis pharmaceuticals corporation
Descripción de la empresa
Novartis is a global healthcare company based in Switzerland that provides solutions to address the evolving needs of patients worldwide. At Novartis, we reimagine medicine in the broadest possible sense, from finding innovative treatments that improve and extend people’s lives, to making our healthcare system more accessible and equitable for all. We put special emphasis on developing sustainable solutions that address the root causes of healthcare disparities and inequities, using new tools, approaches and perspectives to drive meaningful change.
Información sobre la empresa
Dirección1 health plz
Ciudadeast hanover
Número de empleados5000+
Áreas de actividad
Productos biológicos y biosimilares, Productos y servicios de diagnóstico, Terapéutica, Vacunas e inmunología
Categorías de empresas
Preparados farmacéuticos
Premios y reconocimientos
20232023 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index
2023Double A List status in CDP 2023 (Climate Change and Water Security)
2022Stonewall Top Global Employer 2022 with Silver Award
2022Novartis included in the 2022 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index
2021Recognized as a “Covid Champion” (Bronze) for 2021 by the Learning Performance Institute
2021Novartis recognized as one of “America’s Best Employer’s for New Graduates” in 2021
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