Do not Sell or Share my Info

    B2B Stars is a business to business (B2B) company. The personal information that B2B Stars collects is related to business-related activities; not personal activities that are not related to your work/business.

    In respect to US- CCPA and GDPR we provide an easy mechanism to submit enquiries or requests about your data.

    Your rights:

    Please refer to point 5. Purposes (why we process your data) and legal basis (what entitles us to process your personal data) within our Privacy Policy document to review the information related to your CCPA rights including:

    • the purpose for which we use each category of "personal information" we collect

    • the categories of third parties to which we disclose such personal information for a business purpose.

    Please note that B2B Stars does not "share" personal information and/or "sell" such personal information to third parties for any marketing purposes.

    Please refer to point 7. Duration: how long we keep your personal data within our Privacy Policy document to review the information related to your CCPA rights related to the Retention of Your Personal Information.

    Please note that:

    • You can opt-in and opt-out from all marketing communication within your Account Dashboard.

    • You can access your data and amend your data within your Account Dashboard.

    • You can delete your data only by contacting our Privacy team

    • You can enquiry about the California "Shine the Light" disclosure by contacting our Privacy team. California Law permits customers who are California residents to request certain information once per year regarding our disclosure of “personal information”.

    To exercise your rights

    Please contact our Privacy Team at the following email address: [email protected]. When doing so please provide all necessary information to be able to identify your account within the platform:

    • Full name

    • Registered private email

    • Registered work email

    • Company name

    Please specify in your message the reason for contacting us, specify one of the below reasons:

    • Request type:

    1. Data Deletion
    2. Opt out
    3. Info Request
    4. Update Data

    The Expandi Privacy Team will investigate your request and respond within 3 business days.