i am productions group ltd
Signaux d'achat
Legal Name
i am productions group ltd
Description de l'entreprise
Do you want to market better, sell more, and grow your business?We built and sold our own bootstrapped business for $11 million. Since then, we've been helping others do the same with content marketing. We specialise in early-start up B2B businesses. But we also help established businesses that are stuck and need new ideas.Drop your details below to find out more.ENQUIRE HERE
Informations sur l’entreprise
Adressethe podcast studio,wilderspool causeway
Code PostalWA4 6PS
Nombre de salariés10-49
Secteur d'activité
Catégories d’entreprises
Arts, spectacles et loisirs
Post-production de films cinématographiques, de vidéo et de programmes de télévision
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