![Peamount Hospital](https://s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/static.b2bstars.com/logo/0010800002znQxMAAU.png)
peamount hospital
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Legal Name
peamount hospital
Descrizione dell'azienda
Welcome to Peamount Healthcare Peamount Healthcare is an independent voluntary organisation that operates in partnership with the HSE CH07 and the Dublin Midlands Hospital Group to provide a range of high-quality Rehabilitation, Residential and Community Services. We help people return home after a serious illness, we provide safe and homely residential care for those who […]
Informazioni sull'azienda
Indirizzopeamount road
Cittàdublin 22
Numero di dipendenti500-999
Aree di attività
Categorie aziendali
Commercio al dettaglio e all'ingrosso
Commercio al dettaglio di medicinali in esercizi specializzati
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