Reach the right customers at the right time.
Gain access to almost 3 million companies in US and Europe, representing 85% of all registered companies with over 10 employees. Get the data you need to connect with your ideal customers when it matters most.
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Select the companies you're interested in, purchase, and download your customised list that includes:B2B Stars allows you to fine-tune your data search and adjust your selection at any time. Filter by:
You can modify your selection anytime. Note: credit score information is available only for companies with 50+ employees.Data at your fingertips
Buying data on B2B Stars is simple. The price of your list will automatically be calculated and displayed, so you know exactly how much you're spending. Select from a range of pre-made wallets to fit any budget. Our prices are determined by the number of accounts selected and the type of data you want to download, as shown in the table below.Price per Account - minimum purchase €150
All searches and purchases are saved in the platform for later review.Get data