the national drug treatment centre
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the national drug treatment centre
Descripción de la empresa:
The National Drug Advisory and Treatment Centre, now known as The Drug Treatment Centre Board (DTCB), was established in 1969 and is the longest established treatment service in the country. The DTCB-in partnership with other statutory and voluntary agencies- provides prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and aftercare programmes for out-patients and in-patients in order to minimise the harmful effects of drug addiction and prevent the spread of HIV and other infectious diseases.
Información sobre la empresa:
Direcciónmccarthy centre, 30/31 pearse street, dublin 2
Ciudaddublin 2
Número de empleados100-249
Áreas de actividad:
Medicina general y especializada
Categorías de empresas:
Asistencia Médica
Medicina general y especializada
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