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With over 1.7 million companies in our database, 99% of all registered companies with more than 10 employees in Europe, B2B Stars gives you access to the smartest B2B network in Western Europe.
Our AI-powered search and ranking algorithm goes beyond website content and traffic, delivering results based on relevant business criteria (peers’ reviews, financial ratings, industry awards, etc.). It finds and analyzes all B2B reviews available online for a specific company to provide an aggregated satisfaction score and an executive summary that includes company highlights and lowlights based on peers’ reviews.
Customise your search with advanced filters to find the exact matches you need:
If you search for suppliers, search by Field of activity to obtain a more precise offering* or by Categories for a complete but less granular filtering in terms of offering. You can see, for free, the full details of up to 20 companies, finetune the results by size of business or by location.
If you search for clients, search by Field of activity or Categories. The results will include hundreds or thousands of companies. You can buy this list with the related analytics.
Start using B2B Stars and compare results against general purpose search engines.
*Note: not all companies in the database have Fields of Activity associated to them.
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Our unique data analysis goes beyond the surface, combining company information, financial data, purchase signals and more to give you a complete understanding of your target market and insights into who is likely in market for your products.
Use our advanced tools to pinpoint your ideal customer profile and build a targeted list. Take your insights to the next level - select, purchase, and download your custom list to fuel your sales and marketing efforts.