B2B Stars Community Guidelines

B2B Stars is a community of companies and professionals. Our goal is to help our community to find and be found, with the mission to empower businesses to build long lasting and trustworthy relationships globally.

The Services, as defined in the B2B Stars General Conditions, are designed to support companies and professionals in making their services and products accessible and available on a global scale and to provide them the chance to connect and exchange valuable information to grow their business.

To make B2B Stars works better, we identified in the present document (the “Community Guidelines”) what you are allowed to do and what you are not allowed to do. By using B2B Stars, you agree to these Community Guidelines and General Conditions.

Please note that the definitions used in the Community Guidelines are the same as the definitions used in the General Conditions. With the terms “User(s)” in the present document we include all categories defined in the General Conditions as “User(s)” (“Registered User(s)”, “Paid User(s)”, “User(s)” and “Administrator(s)”).

You must follow our Community Guidelines and keep content professional, respectful, relevant, and accurate.

The Community Guidelines apply to actions taken on B2B Stars, including, but not limited to, any User generated content or digital interactions such as publishing or commenting a Review, edit Company Pages, interacting with others (e.g. using BMail), managing a B2B Stars Account.

1. B2B Stars Account and Company Page

1.1. You, when creating a B2B Stars Account and/or managing a Page on B2B Stars, must provide truthful information (including your real name and Organizations’ email address) and use the Services only for the purposes for which B2B Stars was created and made available to others.

1.2. You cannot create a false identity on B2B Stars or create a B2B Stars Account using someone else’s profile or information.

2. Reviews

2.1. You can share your thoughts and experiences about the services and products of other Organizations registered on B2B Stars, posting a Review (“Review”).

2.2. You can write one Review as a customer and one as a supplier per Organization. Your colleagues can also review the same Organization. Each Review can be updated during the year.

2.3. You can mark a Review as useful by adding a like.

2.4. You can reply to a Review (i) by commenting on the Page (in this case the comment will be public) or (ii) by sending a BMail to the reviewer (in this case the message will not be published).

2.5. The reviewer can remain anonymous as an individual or as a company, only the country and the cluster of company sizing will be given (i.e. 100-249 employees, 250-499 employees, etc.) plus the individual seniority (C-level, management, others) and the department (IT, finance, procurement, etc.).

2.6. If you move to another Organization and have made a Review while working at the previous Organization, the Review will still show the former Organization.

2.7. You cannot publish your thoughts and experiences about the services and products of other Organizations older than one year.

2.8. After 3 years from the publication, the Review will be still published but it will not count anymore for the rating of the reviewed Organization.

2.9. It is allowed to comment on the price of the service and/or product offered by an Organization if it is related to the specific service and/or product reviewed. However, it is not allowed to compare the price of the same service against other Organizations.

2.10. It is not allowed to post a Review on a competitor’s Page.

2.11. Reviews must be based on personal experience with services and products. They must be truthful. You cannot solicit others to post Reviews in exchange for money, discounts or free services and/or products, or any other advantage.

2.12. You cannot review the services and products of any Organization in which you have a direct or indirect interest in their services and products.

2.13. You cannot review the services and products offered by the Organization with which you have a professional or personal relationship. For example, it is not possible for a Registered User to post a review of the Organization for which he is working or someone of his family is working.

2.14. Only Administrators can respond to a Review as the Organization’s representative.

2.15. It is not allowed to publish Reviews that could be considered spam or that contains external links or malware or phishing.

2.16. To ensure that Reviews are useful, all Reviews shall be visible in all B2B Stars available languages. By clicking on a Review, you can translate it into your language (as far as it is one of the languages supported by the platform).

3. BMail

3.1. You may reach out to others by sending direct messages through the internal mail system.

3.2. BMail must be used only to contact and establish business relationship with other Organizations or to contact reviewers. In both cases, the Organizations or reviewers shall give explicit consent to receive BMail.

3.3. It is not allowed to use BMail for soliciting the recipient for consumer marketing and private sales purposes.

3.4. If the recipient of your BMail had not replied to you for whatever reasons, you are not allowed to send another BMail to the same Organization or reviewer for the following 12 months. If the recipient had replied to you and declared not to be interested in any follow up or not to be able to supply further information, you are not allowed to send another BMail to the same Organization or reviewer for the following 12 months and any further BMail shall be based on different offering or proposal and different Reviews.

4. Inappropriate or offensive content

4.1. You can post Reviews of other Organizations’ quality, offerings and competencies, but they must be respectful.

4.2. You cannot post Reviews that contain vulgar or obscene language, offenses, harassment, threats, slander, defamation.

4.3. You cannot organize yourselves by posting Reviews against specific Organizations to comment on this and their service or product.

4.4. You cannot post Reviews that express hate for people based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability nor to advertise Organizations that use this type of language.

5. Illegal and dangerous activities

5.1. You cannot post Reviews that promotes illegal activities in their country.

5.2. You cannot post Reviews that promotes terrorism.

5.3. You cannot post Reviews that promotes activities that can cause harm directly or indirectly to themselves or to others (including jokes or promotion of jokes).

5.4. You cannot post Reviews content that promotes pyramid schemes or others fraudulent schemes.

6.1. Unless authorized by B2B Stars in written, you can only publish links from your own Page to your own company web site.

6.2. You cannot publish links to phishing or other malware sites. URLs with referral tags or affiliate codes are not allowed.

6.3. All the above applies to Reviews, BMails, Page and any other communication means supported by B2B Stars.

7. Private Information

7.1. You cannot post Reviews, write BMails or enter content in the Page that contains personal information about third parties and violate their privacy.

8. Intellectual Property Rights

8.1. You must not infringe the intellectual property rights of others, including, but not limited to copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or other proprietary rights.

9. Other activities which are not allowed

9.1. You cannot directly or indirectly develop, support or use any software, device, script, robot or other means or process to copy data from the Services.

9.2. You cannot disable directly or indirectly any security features or bypass or circumvent any access controls on use of the Business Service.

9.3. You cannot infringe B2B Stars’s intellectual property or other rights, including, but not limited to: (i) copying or distributing our materials; (ii) copying or distributing our technology.

9.4. You cannot use directly or indirectly automated methods to use the Services and add or download information unless authorized in written by B2B Stars.

9.5. B2B Stars respect the intellectual property of others, if you believe that your intellectual property rights are being infringed, please notify us by email at [email protected].

10. Content Moderation

10.1. Content shall be moderated in three different ways:

i. Employees to review (“Moderator”)

ii. Site users/reviewers (providing “alerts/warnings”)

iii. Platform Algorithms.

10.2. Unreliable Reviews or unacceptable languages are under continuous scrutiny both by the Organization receiving the Review or by B2B Stars internal team. A software performs the initial Review based on semantics and then sends the Review to a quality team for review if the content looks at risk. Because of such additional check, your Review may be published with one or two days delay.

11. Report Violations of the Community Guidelines

11.1. You are required to report cases of violation of the Community Guidelines. Please notify any violation by email at [email protected].

11.2. If someone request you create, edit, or remove a Review in exchange for a reward, please notify us by email at [email protected]. After receiving your report, we will review the content and take the most appropriate action.

11.3. If someone uses inappropriate or offensive content or promotes illegal and dangerous activities, please notify us by email at [email protected].

11.4. If someone uses BMail for the unauthorized purposes, please notify us by email at [email protected].

12. Consequences of the violation of the Community Guidelines

12.1. Violations of our Community Guidelines make the Community less reliable, safe and useful.

12.2. If Users or Administrators violate the Community Guidelines, we reserve the right to remove information, restrict their ability to use community features, remove products or services associated with their B2B Stars Account, suspend or terminate their B2B Stars Account.

12.3. If we gather evidence or assess that the Reviews are not or may be not truthful, the Reviews can be erased at our discretion.

12.4. If the language is not considered appropriate, the Reviews can be erased at our discretion, we may cancel the comments and at our discretion decide if to keep the rating.

12.5. If we retain that one B2B Stars Account violates Community Guidelines, we may restrict the ability to share content, publish Reviews and do other action on B2B Stars.

12.6. If we remove your Review because it violates our Community Guidelines, we will not accept other Reviews from you for the same service or product.

13. Entity and Dispute Resolution

13.1. You are entering into these Community Guidelines with B2B Stars Limited a company incorporated under the laws of England, company number 06968913 and registered office at 38 Craven Street, London, England, WC2N 5NG.

13.2. These Community Guidelines shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales, without regard to its principles of conflicts of law.

13.3. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with these Community Guidelines, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

13.4. Notwithstanding clause 13.3 above, B2B Stars shall have the right, at its sole discretion, to request that any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with these Community Guidelines be resolved through the courts of competent jurisdiction in your home country (defined as the place of registration of the Company employing you if you are a User or the place of registration of the Company for which you act as Administrator if different or the place of registration of the Company buying one of the Business Services if different).

13.5. If B2B Stars exercises its right under clause 13.4, you hereby irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the courts as indicated under clause 13.4 above for the purposes of any such proceedings.

13.6. The breaching party in any litigation shall reimburse the legal fees and costs incurred by the prevailing party.

13.7. This clause shall survive the termination or expiration of these Community Guidelines.